Tuesday 15 March 2011

Interview with Jake Bentley Ross.

Hey it’s great to have you with us today. First of all, how are you coping with the pressures of your new found fame?

It’s good to have feedback from my fans and ya’ know creating new songs and producing tracks. I'm just grateful that I had the opportunity to showcase my talent. 

I’ve heard some of your demos and I’ve seen your YouTube videos. When did you begin to put them on the popular website?

I started hearing about it from friends and started watching viral videos like ya’ know cat videos coming up on the internet and I came across some covers of songs that I love. It just went from there. My first cover was 'Fat Lip' by Sum 41. That was when I was going through my punk phase. I just grabbed my guitar and it just went from there.

I used to love Sum 41! Who are your major influences?

The Beatles hands down! They did so many different songs like Dear Prudence and Blackbird which everyone loves. They did a totally different kind of thing full of rock. It’s just a great influence.

Oh god. The Beatles are one band I can't stand! What inspired you to write your own music?

How can you hate The Beatles?! They're amazing! Well we all do that kind of thing when we fancy someone and you start writing poems. Mine turned into songs. I was in Year 7 when I wrote my first song called ‘Girlfriend’ and it was one of the most simplest songs you could think of.

Wow, so you started at an early-ish age! By looking at your YouTube videos, I can see you play a lot of instruments. Which one’s your favourite?

Definitely guitar but I’ve started playing piano so it might change. But the guitar was my first instrument.

What has been you biggest challenge so far?

'Cause I’ve got so many new ideas and challenges in my life, songs that I write now really hit home. My new song's called ‘Unrequested Love’ and it's my most emotional one to date.

I can't wait to hear it! What is your ultimate direction for the future?

I’ll be releasing my debut album this year called 'Risen Above'. I haven't set a date but it'll be very soon.

Sweet! Any upcoming shows?

On the 25th March, I have a gig at Ignite from 6-9. They'll be many other bands and artists at the event so it’s just for the music. You can have another chat with me if you come.

No pressure there! Alright, it’s time for some interrogation... Who was your last text from?

*takes out his swanky new iPhone 4G* My last text was from my friend Joe saying ‘Chlorophyll is the green stuff in plants.’

Well that explains a lot! Have you slept with any of your instruments?

Hate to admit but yes I have. I got a guitar for Christmas and my mum took a picture of me sleeping next to it. The picture’s viral on facebook. I hate my mum till this very day for it.

Wow! Your mum?! She must really love you! Are you making any drastic changes for the future?
Yeah I am. My friend’s are forcing me to get a haircut like Kurt from Glee. For some strange reason, they think I look like him. It’s a good thing he’s a good-looking lad!

Come to think of it, you do look a little like Kurt. Any pet peeves?People that just write music for fame. If you’re gonna write music, you should do it to touch people. Katy Perry is writing her own stuff which is really cool. And I hate it when people wriggle their toes in front of me!

Any pet peeves?

People that just write music for fame. If you’re gonna write music, you should do it to touch people. Katy Perry is writing her own stuff which is really cool. And I hate it when people wriggle their toes in front of me!

We'll be sure to have our shoes on at all times then! Well thanks for coming in Jake. Standard procedure at Indie Jam.. we high five our guests!

Standfirst: As Jake Bentley-Ross enters the Indie Jam studios, he’s looking rather ‘chill’ wearing his tight jeans and battered converse. He jokes around with our hairstylist regardless of the fact that this is his first EVER interview and photoshoot. -> SCORE for the Indie Jam team! We can’t wait to find out what the almost 6 foot something lad has been up to!

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