Sunday 10 April 2011

Magazine Competitions. What is different about 'Indie Jam'?

During my research of Indie magazines, I discovered that my magazine would be competing with two mainstream magazines; NME and Q. 
NME would be a big competition as they're within the same age range as my target audience and they both have a similar layout/colours.
Q would also be a big competition as it's more popular with my maturer audience and again has a similar layout to mine.

What is so different about 'Indie Jam'?
Indie Jam isn't entirely different to mainstream Indie magazines out today however, I believe my magazine would bring a youthful feel to shops around the country. Although NME is aimed at my target audience, I feel that they haven't done the magazine justice with their fonts and the entire layout. With Indie Jam, I've tried to stick to who I believe my target audience should be so, with the questionnaire I carried out before I started this project, I made sure the people answering the questions given were within that age range. 
With NME and Q, it's all about mainstream celebrities such as Kings of Leon and Lily Allen. Although they are both great celebrities to be inspired by, with Indie Jam, up-coming artists around the country and across the pond will be more of the main focus of this magazine to give my readers the sense that they could be on the cover of Indie Jam one day. 

Overall experience of creating a music magazine...
Creating this magazine was hard work as I always had to focus on one thing; my target audience. However, with my research and planning that I carried out before creating the magazine, I feel I have done my magazine justice. I've managed to stick to my colour scheme; red, black and white which I believe has made Indie Jam look like a real life magazine. As I want a career in journalism, I feel this project has helped me enhance my skills with Photoshop and websites such as Picnik. When writing up my interview, I feel this has helped me develop my writing skills as I now know how to write a professional interview for professional artists. 
As I said, working on the magazine has been hard work however, I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and look forward to seeing my final AS grade.

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