Wednesday 26 January 2011

Market Research Questionnaire.

For our third task, we were asked to create a questionnaire for our target audience (mine being 16-20 year olds.) In my questionnaire, I mainly looked at what type of magazine people buy in shops rather than how people buy music merely because I wanted to know what increased interest on a magazine and what the reader wants. Below, I have shown the questions asked throughout my questionnaire which I had created for my target audience (16-20 year olds). With this information, I produced 9 pie charts where my answers were combined together. 
With this question, I found out that most of my target audience are attracted to the stories featured on the magazine. With my 18-20 year olds, I wasn't surprised however, I was surprised to find out that 16-17 year olds are more interested in the stories than the actual celebrities on the front cover. This has helped me with how I will develop my magazine as I will take into consideration how important my target audience feels the stories and articles featured are in the magazine. 

With this question, I found out that most of my target audience are interested in R'n'B rather than Indie/Rock. Although my genre is close second, I feel this will negatively impact my magazine as more teenagers and young adults might think twice before buying my magazine. However, I do believe that if more Indie magazine are distributed across the UK, more people with my target age range will gain interest in the genre if the front cover looks appropriate and if I provide a selection of artists such as Ellie Goulding, Lily Allen, Paramore, Kings of Leon and artists within different genres e.g. Kanye West and B.O.B.

With this question, I found out that my target audience is mostly interested in the articles inside. This contributes to their attraction to the magazine in shops so, I feel if I provide the right amount of articles as well as small images of celebrities, my magazine will be a success.

With this question, I found out that the majority of my target audience would prefer to pay between £1.50 and £2.99 for my magazine. As I said before on my post on the analysis of 'Q' magazine, theirs costs £3.99. Although my target audience may not be the same as theirs, I feel my magazine will attract more consumers as it will be cheaper making it a successful magazine. 

With this question, I found out that my target audience is interested in the trio: Red, Black and White. This is a common trio with Indie magazine for example, 'Q' and 'NME' magazine. In order to make my magazine successful, I'll have to consider what shades of these colours I will use that will make my magazine stand out as well as how I will place all of my information, key features and images.

With this question, I found out that my target audience would prefer it if my magazine featured more articles than it did small images of celebrities. This will be a great advantage to me as I obviously don't personally know any chart-topping bands however, my front cover and contents page may suffer as I feel if it contained just articles, my target audience wouldn't be interested. 

With this question, I found out that the majority of my target audience would be put off by the price of my magazine. As the majority of my target audience would be willing to pay between £1.50 and £2.99, I feel I'll stick to this price range as my magazine will be affordable yet attractive enough to sell.

With this question, I found out that most of my target audience would rather have a group of artists on the front cover for example, a mix of artists within different genres (Ellie Goulding, Kings of Leon and Kanye West for example) This may work to my advantage as I could gather friends or people (preferably within my target age) and pose as celebrities. This could show readers that my magazine isn't just based around Indie/Rock - it could contain some elements of other genres.

With this question, I found out that my target audience didn't have anything to say about what they would want on the front cover. However, the readers that answered 'Yes' suggested features such as fashion advice, gossip and 'juicy facts on celebrities'. Although this may attract my target audience more, I feel this contains more elements of a Pop magazine than it does an Indie/Rock magazine. However, I could 'jazz' up the fashion advice page that younger readers can also enjoy without making it look too innocent and child-like as a Pop magazine would. 

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